Awesome Foundation Grants

Awesome Foundation: Alaska Chapter
Deadline: Ongoing

Awesome Alaska: Making Alaska an even more awesome place one $1000 grant at a time.

We’re here to help. Ten awesome individuals, artists, writers, entrepreneurs, business wizards, and all-around smart folks want to get behind your idea.

Who we fund:

Do you qualify for a PFD? (And if you don’t know what a permanent fund dividend is, you’re not an Alaskan – in other words, we only fund current Alaskans who qualify for a dividend.)
Folks with absolutely awesome ideas that have impact, surprise, and ingenuity.

Note: we reserve the right to not award a grant during any period during which the Trustees do not receive a proposal that fits their standards.

Things to consider in your application: – Proposals are due on the 15th of the month, decisions are rendered by the end of the month. All unsuccessful proposals are then deleted.

How is $1000 going to make a difference to your project, you as an individual, and Alaska as a community?

What makes your project unique?

If your idea is time-sensitive, please apply at least 60 days in advance and make sure that you let us know your “deadline.”

Got a question? Contact us directly at and ask away!

